Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Text File
2,183 lines
* *
* (C)opyright 1992 *
* *
* by Tomi Blinnikka *
* *
* Don´t try to understand the code *
* *
* Version 0.01 28/05/1992 *
* -0.99ö *
* *
* Version 1.00 04/08/1992 *
* *
* BUGS: Lots! No phonebook. *
* *
* Version 1.01 05/08/1992 *
* *
* BUGS: Some. Dialer problems. *
* *
* Version 1.02 06/08/1992 *
* *
* BUGS: Less. Still dialer problems. *
* *
* Version 1.03 08/08/1992 *
* *
* BUGS: *
* *
* Version 1.04 11/08/1992 *
* *
* Released *
* *
* BUGS: Send CTRL-P didn't work *
* *
* Version 1.05 15/08/1992 *
* *
INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
INCLUDE "exec/nodes.i"
INCLUDE "exec/lists.i"
INCLUDE "exec/ports.i"
INCLUDE "exec/memory.i"
INCLUDE "exec/devices.i"
INCLUDE "exec/io.i"
INCLUDE "exec/tasks.i"
INCLUDE "libraries/dosextens.i"
INCLUDE "libraries/dos.i"
INCLUDE "devices/serial.i"
INCLUDE "XREF:2.0.xref"
INCLUDE "XREF:exec.xref"
INCLUDE "XREF:dos.xref"
LF: EQU 10
CR: EQU 13
section ST,CODE
push d2-d7/a2-a6
push d0/a0
sub.l a1,a1 ;Find our task
lib Exec,FindTask
move.l d0,OurTask
openlib Dos,NoDos ;Keep at beginning
CLIStart: lib Dos,Output
move.l d0,_stdout
lib Dos,Input
move.l d0,_stdin
move.l d0,d1
lib Dos,IsInteractive
tst.l d0
beq NotInteractive
pull d0/a0
clr.b -1(a0,d0.l)
cmp.b #'?',(a0)
beq Usage
cmp.w #'-?',(a0)
beq Usage
cmp.w #'-h',(a0)
beq Usage
Cont0.2: bsr ConvASCII
tst.w d0
beq Cont1
move.w d0,SerUnit
Cont1: cmp.b #' ',(a0)
bne Cont1.1
add.l #1,a0
Cont1.1: tst.b (a0)
beq Cont1.2
move.l a0,SerName
;Create read reply port for serial.device (or modem0.device etc.)
MainStart: lib Exec,CreateMsgPort
move.l d0,SRRPort
beq NoMsgPort
;Create read IOReq for serial.device (or for other device, but size is EXTSER)
move.l #IOEXTSER_SIZE,d0
move.l SRRPort,a0
lib Exec,CreateIORequest
move.l d0,IORRequest
beq NoIOReq
move.l IORRequest,a1
lea.l Buffer3,a0
move.l a0,IO_DATA(a1)
move.l #1,IO_LENGTH(a1)
;Create write reply port for serial.device (or modem0.device etc.)
lib Exec,CreateMsgPort
move.l d0,SWRPort
beq NoMsgPort
;Create write IOReq for serial.device (or for other device, but size is EXTSER)
move.l #IOEXTSER_SIZE,d0
move.l SWRPort,a0
lib Exec,CreateIORequest
move.l d0,IOWRequest
beq NoIOReq
bsr WriteDefaults
;open serial.device
move.l SerName,a0
move.l SerUnit,d0
move.l IORRequest,a1
move.b DataBits,IO_READLEN(a1)
move.b DataBits,IO_WRITELEN(a1)
move.b StopBits,IO_STOPBITS(a1)
clr.l d1 ;no flags
lib Exec,OpenDevice
tst.l d0
bne NoSerial
move.w #$1,SerOpen ;just to tell if open
;Copy info from one req to the other
move.l IORRequest,a0
move.l IOWRequest,a1
move.l IO_DEVICE(a0),IO_DEVICE(a1)
move.l IO_UNIT(a0),IO_UNIT(a1)
add.l #48,a0 ;get start of ioser
add.l #48,a1
move.l #34,d0
lib Exec,CopyMem
lea.l StartText1,a0
bsr Printer
bsr DoPhoneBook
;Change mode for CLI to RAW:
move.l _stdin,d1
move.l #TRUE,d2
lib Dos,SetMode
;Flush extra text
move.l _stdin,d1
lib Dos,Flush
Looper: move.l _stdin,d1
move.l #5000,d2
lib Dos,WaitForChar
tst.l d0
beq Looper1
move.l _stdin,d1
lea.l Buffer1,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #1,d3
lib Dos,Read
cmp.b #QUIT_KEY,Buffer1
beq Menu
bsr DoCLIInput
Looper1: move.l #BUFLEN,d0
move.l #1,d1
bsr Read
tst.l d0
beq Looper
lea.l Buffer3,a0
clr.b 0(a0,d0.l) ;null terminated, please!
bsr DoSerialInput
move.l _stdout,d1
lea.l Buffer4,a1
bsr GetLength
move.l d0,d3
lea.l Buffer4,a0
move.l a0,d2
lib Dos,Write
bra Looper
Menu: lea.l MenuText1,a0
bsr Printer
Menu1: move.l _stdin,d1
lib Dos,FGetC
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq ShutDown
cmp.l #'p',d0
beq Prefs
cmp.l #'P',d0
beq Prefs
cmp.l #'s',d0
beq DoStats
cmp.l #'S',d0
beq DoStats
cmp.l #'c',d0
beq ClearBoth
cmp.l #'C',d0
beq ClearBoth
cmp.l #'d',d0
beq Dialer
cmp.l #'D',d0
beq Dialer
cmp.l #'o',d0
beq DoCTRL_P
cmp.l #'O',d0
beq DoCTRL_P
cmp.l #'f',d0
beq ResetFont
cmp.l #'F',d0
beq ResetFont
cmp.l #'x',d0
beq ClearScreen
cmp.l #'X',d0
beq ClearScreen
cmp.l #'r',d0
beq DoReset
cmp.l #'R',d0
beq DoReset
cmp.l #'h',d0
beq DoHangUp
cmp.l #'H',d0
beq DoHangUp
cmp.l #'?',d0
beq DoInfo
cmp.l #'q',d0
beq Quit
cmp.l #'Q',d0
beq Quit
cmp.l #'e',d0
beq Exit1
cmp.l #'E',d0
beq Exit1
bra Menu1
Exit1: lea.l ExitText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Looper1
ResetFont: lea.l ResetFText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l PlainText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Menu
ClearScreen: lea.l ClearSText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Exit
DoStats: lea.l StatsText2,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
bsr GiveStats
bsr GetAnyKey
bra Menu
ClearBoth: lea.l ClearText1,a0
bsr Printer
clr.l Received
clr.l Sent
bra Menu
DoCTRL_P: move.b #CTRL_P,Buffer1
bsr Writer
lea.l CTRL_PText1,a0
bsr Printer
add.l #1,Sent
bra Exit
DoReset: lea.l ResetText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l ResetText2,a1
bsr GetLength
lea.l ResetText2,a0
bsr Writer2
bra Exit
DoHangUp: lea.l HangUpText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l #3*50,d1
lib Dos,Delay
lea.l HangUpText2,a1
bsr GetLength
lea.l HangUpText2,a0
bsr Writer2
move.l #2*55,d1
lib Dos,Delay
lea.l HangUpText3,a1
bsr GetLength
lea.l HangUpText3,a0
bsr Writer2
bra Exit
DoInfo: lea.l InfoText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l AuthorText1,a0
bsr Printer
bsr GetAnyKey
bra Menu
Quit: lea.l QuitText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
bsr GiveStats
bra ShutDown
Exit: lea.l TerminalText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Looper1
Dialer: lea.l DialerText1,a0
bsr Printer
Dialer0.1: lea.l DialerText2,a0
bsr Printer
Dialer0.2: bsr PrintEntries
Dialer0.3: bsr PrintSelect
Dialer0.4: lea.l DialerText3,a0
bsr Printer
Dialer1: move.l _stdin,d1
lib Dos,FGetC
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq Menu
cmp.l #'0',d0
beq DoEntry0
cmp.l #'1',d0
beq DoEntry1
cmp.l #'2',d0
beq DoEntry2
cmp.l #'3',d0
beq DoEntry3
cmp.l #'4',d0
beq DoEntry4
cmp.l #'5',d0
beq DoEntry5
cmp.l #'6',d0
beq DoEntry6
cmp.l #'7',d0
beq DoEntry7
cmp.l #'8',d0
beq DoEntry8
cmp.l #'9',d0
beq DoEntry9
cmp.l #'D',d0
beq DialList
cmp.l #'d',d0
beq DialList
cmp.l #'E',d0
beq Exit1
cmp.l #'e',d0
beq Exit1
cmp.l #'M',d0
beq MainMenu
cmp.l #'m',d0
beq MainMenu
cmp.l #'-',d0
beq MainMenu
cmp.l #'S',d0
beq SingleDial
cmp.l #'s',d0
beq SingleDial
cmp.l #'R',d0
beq Relist
cmp.l #'r',d0
beq Relist
cmp.l #'C',d0
beq ClearList
cmp.l #'c',d0
beq ClearList
cmp.l #'A',d0
beq SelectAll
cmp.l #'a',d0
beq SelectAll
cmp.l #'h',d0
beq DialerHelp
cmp.l #'H',d0
beq DialerHelp
cmp.l #'?',d0
beq DialerHelp
bra Dialer1
DialerHelp: lea.l HelpText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Dialer0.4
ClearList: lea.l ClearText2,a0
bsr Printer
clr.l EntrySelected1
clr.l EntrySelected5
clr.w EntrySelected9
bra DoEntry_OUT1
SelectAll: lea.l AllText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l #$01010101,EntrySelected1
move.l #$01010101,EntrySelected5
move.w #$0101,EntrySelected9
bra DoEntry_OUT1
DoEntry1: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected1
bra DoEntry_OUT
DoEntry2: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected2
bra DoEntry_OUT
DoEntry3: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected3
bra DoEntry_OUT
DoEntry4: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected4
bra DoEntry_OUT
DoEntry5: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected5
bra DoEntry_OUT
DoEntry6: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected6
bra DoEntry_OUT
DoEntry7: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected7
bra DoEntry_OUT
DoEntry8: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected8
bra DoEntry_OUT
DoEntry9: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected9
bra DoEntry_OUT
DoEntry0: bchg.b #0,EntrySelected0
DoEntry_OUT: lea.l EntryTextXIV,a0
bsr Printer
DoEntry_OUT1: bsr PrintSelect
lea.l SelectionText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Dialer1
MainMenu: lea.l MainMenuText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Menu
DialList: lea.l DialText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l DialText2,a0
bsr Printer
DialList1: lea.l EntrySelected1,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList2
lea.l Entry1,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList1.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList2
DialList1.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList2: lea.l EntrySelected2,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList3
lea.l Entry2,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList2.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList3
DialList2.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList3: lea.l EntrySelected3,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList4
lea.l Entry3,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList3.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList4
DialList3.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList4: lea.l EntrySelected4,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList5
lea.l Entry4,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList4.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList5
DialList4.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList5: lea.l EntrySelected5,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList6
lea.l Entry5,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList5.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList6
DialList5.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList6: lea.l EntrySelected6,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList7
lea.l Entry6,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList6.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList7
DialList6.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList7: lea.l EntrySelected7,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList8
lea.l Entry7,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList7.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList8
DialList7.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList8: lea.l EntrySelected8,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList9
lea.l Entry8,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList8.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList9
DialList8.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList9: lea.l EntrySelected9,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList10
lea.l Entry9,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList9.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList10
DialList9.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList10: lea.l EntrySelected0,a2
tst.b (a2)
beq DialList11
lea.l Entry10,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq DialList10.1
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #2,d0 ;cancel
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0 ;remove
bne DialList11
DialList10.1: clr.b (a2)
DialList11: tst.l EntrySelected1
bne DialList1
tst.l EntrySelected5
bne DialList1
tst.w EntrySelected9
bne DialList1
lea.l EmptyText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Dialer0.1
Relist: lea.l RelistText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Dialer0.2
SingleDial: lea.l SingleText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l SingleText2,a0
bsr Printer
move.l _stdin,d1
move.l #FALSE,d2
lib Dos,SetMode
move.l _stdin,d1
lea.l DialBuffer1,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #16,d3
lib Dos,FGets
tst.l d0
beq Dialer0.1
lea.l DialBuffer1,a0
bsr GetLLength
clr.b -1(a0,d1.l) ;remove LF
move.l _stdin,d1
move.l #TRUE,d2
lib Dos,SetMode
lea.l DialBuffer1,a1
bsr GetLength
tst.l d0
beq Dialer0.1
lea.l DialText2,a0
bsr Printer
SingleDial1: lea.l DialBuffer1,a0
bsr DialEntry
tst.l d0
beq Exit
cmp.l #1,d0
beq SingleDial1
cmp.l #2,d0
beq Dialer0.1
cmp.l #3,d0
beq Dialer0.1
bra Dialer0.1
Prefs: lea.l PrefsText1,a0
bsr Printer
Prefs1: lea.l PrefsText2,a0
bsr Printer
Prefs2: move.l _stdin,d1
lib Dos,FGetC
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq Menu
cmp.l #'S',d0
beq SetSpeed
cmp.l #'s',d0
beq SetSpeed
cmp.l #'L',d0
beq SetLocalEcho
cmp.l #'l',d0
beq SetLocalEcho
cmp.l #'R',d0
beq ClearSettings
cmp.l #'r',d0
beq ClearSettings
cmp.l #'E',d0
beq Exit1
cmp.l #'e',d0
beq Exit1
cmp.l #'V',d0
beq DoView
cmp.l #'v',d0
beq DoView
cmp.l #'M',d0
beq MainMenu
cmp.l #'m',d0
beq MainMenu
cmp.l #'-',d0
beq MainMenu
cmp.l #'1',d0
beq SetCRTrans
cmp.l #'2',d0
beq SetLFTrans
cmp.l #'3',d0
beq SetCRTransIn
cmp.l #'4',d0
beq SetLFTransIn
cmp.l #'5',d0
beq SetDataBits
cmp.l #'6',d0
beq SetStopBits
bra Prefs2
DoView: lea.l ViewText1,a0
bsr Printer
bsr GiveSettings
bsr GetAnyKey
bra Prefs1
ClearSettings: lea.l ClearText3,a0
bsr Printer
move.l #9600,Speed
move.b #8,DataBits
move.b #1,StopBits
clr.l CRTranslate
bsr SetSerParams
tst.l d0
beq Prefs1
lea.l SerSetText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra Prefs1
SetCRTrans: lea.l CRTransText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRTransText2,a0
bsr Printer
bsr GetNSA
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq Prefs1
move.b d0,CRTranslate
bra Prefs1
SetLFTrans: lea.l LFTransText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l LFTransText2,a0
bsr Printer
bsr GetNSA
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq Prefs1
move.b d0,LFTranslate
bra Prefs1
SetCRTransIn: lea.l CRTransText3,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRTransText2,a0
bsr Printer
bsr GetNSA
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq Prefs1
move.b d0,CRTranslateIn
bra Prefs1
SetLFTransIn: lea.l LFTransText3,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l LFTransText2,a0
bsr Printer
bsr GetNSA
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq Prefs1
move.b d0,LFTranslateIn
bra Prefs1
SetLocalEcho: lea.l EchoText1,a0
bsr Printer
bchg.b #0,LocalEcho
beq SetLocalEcho1
lea.l EchoText3,a0
bsr Printer
bra Prefs1
SetLocalEcho1: lea.l EchoText2,a0
bsr Printer
bra Prefs1
SetDataBits: lea.l DBitsText1,a0
bsr Printer
cmp.b #7,DataBits
beq SetDataBits1
move.b #7,DataBits
lea.l DBitsText2,a0
bsr Printer
bra SetDataBits2
SetDataBits1: move.b #8,DataBits
lea.l DBitsText3,a0
bsr Printer
bra Prefs1
SetDataBits2: bsr SetSerParams
tst.l d0
beq Prefs1
lea.l DBitsText4,a0
bsr Printer
bra Prefs1
SetStopBits: lea.l SBitsText1,a0
bsr Printer
cmp.b #1,StopBits
beq SetStopBits1
move.b #1,StopBits
lea.l SBitsText2,a0
bsr Printer
bra SetStopBits2
SetStopBits1: move.b #2,StopBits
lea.l SBitsText3,a0
bsr Printer
bra Prefs1
SetStopBits2: bsr SetSerParams
tst.l d0
beq Prefs1
lea.l SBitsText4,a0
bsr Printer
bra Prefs1
SetSpeed: lea.l SpeedText11,a0
bsr Printer
SetSpeed1: lea.l SpeedText1,a0
bsr Printer
SetSpeed2: move.l _stdin,d1
lib Dos,FGetC
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq Menu
cmp.l #'0',d0
beq DoSpeed0
cmp.l #'1',d0
beq DoSpeed1
cmp.l #'2',d0
beq DoSpeed2
cmp.l #'3',d0
beq DoSpeed3
cmp.l #'4',d0
beq DoSpeed4
cmp.l #'5',d0
beq DoSpeed5
cmp.l #'6',d0
beq DoSpeed6
cmp.l #'7',d0
beq DoSpeed7
cmp.l #'8',d0
beq DoSpeed8
cmp.l #'9',d0
beq DoSpeed9
cmp.l #'E',d0
beq Exit1
cmp.l #'e',d0
beq Exit1
cmp.l #'M',d0
beq MainMenu
cmp.l #'m',d0
beq MainMenu
cmp.l #'-',d0
beq Prefs
bra SetSpeed2
DoSpeed1: move.l #110,Speed
bra DoSpeed_OUT
DoSpeed2: move.l #300,Speed
bra DoSpeed_OUT
DoSpeed3: move.l #1200,Speed
bra DoSpeed_OUT
DoSpeed4: move.l #2400,Speed
bra DoSpeed_OUT
DoSpeed5: move.l #4800,Speed
bra DoSpeed_OUT
DoSpeed6: move.l #9600,Speed
bra DoSpeed_OUT
DoSpeed7: move.l #19200,Speed
bra DoSpeed_OUT
DoSpeed8: move.l #38400,Speed
bra DoSpeed_OUT
DoSpeed9: move.l #57600,Speed
bra DoSpeed_OUT
DoSpeed0: move.l #115200,Speed
DoSpeed_OUT: lea.l SpeedText11,a0
bsr Printer
bsr SetSerParams
tst.l d0
beq DoSpeed_OUT1
lea.l SpeedText12,a0
bsr Printer
bsr WriteDefaults
bra SetSpeed1
DoSpeed_OUT1: bsr WriteDefaults
bra Prefs1
;Dials one number. Fails for three reasons, because the user decided
;to skip this entry, to cancel dialing or to remove this entry.
;If a busy is found, a value of 1 will be returned.
;Inputs a0 = pointer to phonenumber (ASCII text)
;Result d0 = Success (0=Connect, 1=Skipped, 2=Cancelled, 3=Remove this entry)
DialEntry: push d2-d7/a2-a6
move.l a0,a4
DialEntry1: lea.l DialPrefix,a1
bsr GetLength
lea.l DialPrefix,a0
bsr Writer2
move.l a4,a1
bsr GetLength
move.l a4,a0
bsr Writer2
lea.l CRLFText1,a1
bsr GetLength
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Writer2
lea.l DialingText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l a4,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l #BUFLEN,d0 ;try to read ATDT etc.
move.l #1,d1
bsr Read
DialEntry2: move.l #10,d1
lib Dos,Delay
move.l #BUFLEN,d0
move.l #4,d1
bsr Read
tst.l d0
beq DialEntry3
lea.l Buffer3,a0
clr.b 0(a0,d0.l) ;null terminated, please!
move.w #'CO',d0
lea.l Buffer3,a0
bsr FindWord
bne DialEntry_OUT1
move.w #'BU',d0
lea.l Buffer3,a0
bsr FindWord
bne DialEntry4
move.w #'NO',d0
lea.l Buffer3,a0
bsr FindWord
bne DialEntry_OUT2
DialEntry3: move.l _stdin,d1
move.l #10000,d2
lib Dos,WaitForChar
tst.l d0
beq DialEntry2
move.l _stdin,d1
lea.l Buffer2,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #1,d3
lib Dos,Read
cmp.l #1,d0
bne DialEntry2
cmp.b #' ',Buffer2 ;Space
beq DialEntry_OUT2
cmp.b #27,Buffer2 ;ESC
beq DialEntry_OUT3
cmp.b #8,Buffer2 ;BS
beq DialEntry_OUT4
bra DialEntry2
DialEntry4: lea.l BusyText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l #55,d1
lib Dos,Delay
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
move.l #1,d0
DialEntry_OUT1: move.l #BUFLEN,d0 ;try to read extra stuff
move.l #1,d1
bsr Read
lea.l ConnectText1,a0
bsr Printer
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
clr.l d0
DialEntry_OUT2: lea.l CRLFText1,a1
bsr GetLength
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Writer2
lea.l SkippedText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l #55,d1
lib Dos,Delay
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
move.l #1,d0
DialEntry_OUT3: lea.l CancelledText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a1
bsr GetLength
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Writer2
move.l #55,d1
lib Dos,Delay
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
move.l #2,d0
DialEntry_OUT4: lea.l CRLFText1,a1
bsr GetLength
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Writer2
move.l #55,d1
lib Dos,Delay
lea.l RemoveText1,a0
bsr Printer
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
move.l #3,d0
Break: lea.l BreakText1,a0
bsr Printer
clr.l d0
ClearSer: move.l IORRequest,a1
lib Exec,CheckIO
tst.l d0
beq ClearSer1
move.l IORRequest,a1
lib Exec,WaitIO
ClearSer1: move.l IORRequest,a1
move.l IORRequest,a1
lib Exec,WaitIO
;Buffered read from a device
;Inputs d0 = Buffer length (maximum amount to read)
; d1 = Minimum amout to read
;Result d0 = Amount actually read
Read: push d2-d7/a2-a6
move.l d0,d4
move.l d1,d5
move.l IOWRequest,a1 ;get amount of bytes
move.w #SDCMD_QUERY,IO_COMMAND(a1) ;in buffer
lib Exec,DoIO
move.l IOWRequest,a1
move.l IO_ACTUAL(a1),d0
beq Read_OUT1
cmp.l d5,d0
bmi Read_OUT1
cmp.l d4,d0
bls Read1
move.l d4,d0 ;available > buffer size
Read1: move.l IORRequest,a1
move.l d0,IO_LENGTH(a1)
bsr WriteDefaults
move.l IORRequest,a1
move.l IO_ACTUAL(a1),d0 ;even on error we return
add.l d0,Received ;correct amount in buffer
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
Read_OUT1: bsr WriteDefaults
clr.l d0
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
Writer: add.l #1,Sent
move.l IOWRequest,a1
lib Exec,DoIO ;May freeze, too bad
;Writes string to serial port
;D0 = Length
;A0 = String
Writer2: add.l d0,Sent
move.l IOWRequest,a1
move.l d0,IO_LENGTH(a1)
move.l a0,IO_DATA(a1)
lib Exec,DoIO ;May freeze, too bad
bsr WriteDefaults
;Reset back to default...
WriteDefaults: move.l IOWRequest,a1
move.l #1,IO_LENGTH(a1) ;writes in one byte "chunks"
lea.l Buffer1,a0
move.l a0,IO_DATA(a1)
SetSerParams: move.l IOWRequest,a1
clr.l IO_LENGTH(a1)
clr.l IO_DATA(a1)
move.l Speed,IO_BAUD(a1)
move.b DataBits,IO_READLEN(a1)
move.b DataBits,IO_WRITELEN(a1)
move.b StopBits,IO_STOPBITS(a1)
lib Exec,DoIO
DoCLIInput: lea.l Buffer1,a0
cmp.b #CR,Buffer1
beq DoCLIInput3
cmp.b #LF,Buffer1
beq DoCLIInput4
DoCLIInput1: bsr Writer
btst.b #0,LocalEcho
beq DoCLIInput2
lea.l Buffer1,a0
bsr Printer
DoCLIInput2: rts
DoCLIInput3: tst.b CRTranslate
beq DoCLIInput1
cmp.b #1,CRTranslate
beq DoCLIInput2
cmp.b #2,CRTranslate
bne DoCLIInput2
bsr DoCLIInput1
move.b #LF,Buffer1
bra DoCLIInput1
DoCLIInput4: tst.b LFTranslate
beq DoCLIInput1
cmp.b #1,LFTranslate
beq DoCLIInput2
cmp.b #2,LFTranslate
bne DoCLIInput2
move.b #CR,Buffer1
bsr DoCLIInput1
move.b #LF,Buffer1
bra DoCLIInput1
DoSerialInput: push d0-d7/a2-a6
lea.l Buffer3,a0
lea.l Buffer4,a1
DoSerialInput1: tst.b (a0)
beq DoSerialInput3.1
cmp.b #CR,(a0)
beq DoSerialInput4
cmp.b #LF,(a0)
beq DoSerialInput6
DoSerialInput2: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bra DoSerialInput1
DoSerialInput3: pull d0-d7/a2-a6
DoSerialInput3.1: clr.b (a1)
pull d0-d7/a2-a6
DoSerialInput4: tst.b CRTranslateIn
beq DoSerialInput2
cmp.b #1,CRTranslateIn
bne DoSerialInput5
add.l #1,a0
bra DoSerialInput1
DoSerialInput5: cmp.b #2,CRTranslateIn
bne DoSerialInput2
move.b #CR,(a1)+
move.b #LF,(a1)+
add.l #1,a0
bra DoSerialInput1
DoSerialInput6: tst.b LFTranslateIn
beq DoSerialInput2
cmp.b #1,LFTranslateIn
bne DoSerialInput7
add.l #1,a0
bra DoSerialInput1
DoSerialInput7: cmp.b #2,LFTranslateIn
bne DoSerialInput2
move.b #CR,(a1)+
move.b #LF,(a1)+
add.l #1,a0
bra DoSerialInput1
;gets anykey from user
;Results d0 = -1 for error, otherwise d0 = key pressed
GetAnyKey: lea.l AnyKeyText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l _stdin,d1
lib Dos,Flush
move.l _stdin,d1
lib Dos,FGetC
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
;gets input from user
;Results d0 = 0 for N, 1 for S, 2 for A, -1 for error
GetNSA: move.l _stdin,d1
lib Dos,FGetC
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq GetNSA_ERR1
cmp.l #'n',d0
beq GetNSA1
cmp.l #'N',d0
beq GetNSA1
cmp.l #'s',d0
beq GetNSA2
cmp.l #'S',d0
beq GetNSA2
cmp.l #'a',d0
beq GetNSA3
cmp.l #'A',d0
beq GetNSA3
cmp.l #CR,d0
beq GetNSA_ERR1
cmp.l #LF,d0
beq GetNSA_ERR1
bra GetNSA
GetNSA1: lea.l NoneText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l #0,d0
GetNSA2: lea.l StripText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l #1,d0
GetNSA3: lea.l AddText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l #2,d0
GetNSA_ERR1: move.l #-1,d0
;Give NSA
;Inputs d0 = NSA qualifier(?)
GiveNSA: tst.b d0
beq GiveNSA1
cmp.b #1,d0
beq GiveNSA2
cmp.b #2,d0
beq GiveNSA3
lea.l NAText1,a0
bsr Printer
GiveNSA1: lea.l NText1,a0
bsr Printer
GiveNSA2: lea.l SText1,a0
bsr Printer
GiveNSA3: lea.l AText1,a0
bsr Printer
Nope: lea.l SpaceText1,a0
bsr Printer
Yep: lea.l StarText1,a0
bsr Printer
GiveSettings: lea.l fstrl3,a0 ;HEX->ASCII
lea.l Speed,a1 ;Number2Print
lea.l PutChProc,a2
lea.l SpeedText90,a3 ;Destination
lib Exec,RawDoFmt
lea.l CurrentText1,a0
bsr Printer
tst.l Speed
beq GiveSettings0.1
lea.l SpeedText90,a0
bsr Printer
bra GiveSettings0.2
GiveSettings0.1: lea.l DefText1,a0
bsr Printer
GiveSettings0.2: lea.l CurrentText2,a0
bsr Printer
tst.w LocalEcho
bne GiveSettings1
bsr Nope
bra GiveSettings2
GiveSettings1: bsr Yep
GiveSettings2: lea.l CurrentText7,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CurrentText3,a0
bsr Printer
move.b CRTranslate,d0
bsr GiveNSA
lea.l CurrentText4,a0
bsr Printer
move.b LFTranslate,d0
bsr GiveNSA
lea.l CurrentText7,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CurrentText5,a0
bsr Printer
move.b CRTranslateIn,d0
bsr GiveNSA
lea.l CurrentText6,a0
bsr Printer
move.b LFTranslateIn,d0
bsr GiveNSA
lea.l CurrentText7,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CurrentText8,a0
bsr Printer
cmp.b #7,DataBits
bne GiveSettings3
lea.l SevenText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra GiveSettings4
GiveSettings3: cmp.b #8,DataBits
bne GiveSettings3.1
lea.l EightText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra GiveSettings4
GiveSettings3.1: lea.l DefText1,a0
bsr Printer
GiveSettings4: lea.l CurrentText9,a0
bsr Printer
cmp.b #1,StopBits
bne GiveSettings5
lea.l OneText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra GiveSettings6
GiveSettings5: cmp.b #2,StopBits
bne GiveSettings5.1
lea.l TwoText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra GiveSettings6
GiveSettings5.1: lea.l DefText1,a0
bsr Printer
GiveSettings6: lea.l CurrentText7,a0
bsr Printer
GiveStats: lea.l fstrl1,a0 ;HEX->ASCII
lea.l Received,a1 ;Number2Print
lea.l PutChProc,a2
lea.l ReceivedText1,a3 ;Destination
lib Exec,RawDoFmt
lea.l fstrl2,a0 ;HEX->ASCII
lea.l Sent,a1 ;Number2Print
lea.l PutChProc,a2
lea.l SentText1,a3 ;Destination
lib Exec,RawDoFmt
lea.l StatsText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l ReceivedText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l SentText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries: tst.b DialPrefix
beq PrintEntries1
lea.l PrefixText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l DialPrefix,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries1: tst.b Entry1
beq PrintEntries2
lea.l EntryText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries2: tst.b Entry2
beq PrintEntries3
lea.l EntryText2,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry2,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries3: tst.b Entry3
beq PrintEntries4
lea.l EntryText3,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry3,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries4: tst.b Entry4
beq PrintEntries5
lea.l EntryText4,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry4,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries5: tst.b Entry5
beq PrintEntries6
lea.l EntryText5,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry5,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries6: tst.b Entry6
beq PrintEntries7
lea.l EntryText6,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry6,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries7: tst.b Entry7
beq PrintEntries8
lea.l EntryText7,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry7,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries8: tst.b Entry8
beq PrintEntries9
lea.l EntryText8,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry8,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries9: tst.b Entry9
beq PrintEntries10
lea.l EntryText9,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry9,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries10: tst.b Entry10
beq PrintEntries11
lea.l EntryText10,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l Entry10,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
PrintEntries11: rts
PrintSelect: lea.l SelectedText1,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l SelectText1,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected1
beq PrintSelect1
lea.l SelectText11,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect2
PrintSelect1: lea.l SelectText12,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect2: lea.l SelectText2,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected2
beq PrintSelect3
lea.l SelectText11,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect4
PrintSelect3: lea.l SelectText12,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect4: lea.l SelectText3,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected3
beq PrintSelect5
lea.l SelectText11,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect6
PrintSelect5: lea.l SelectText12,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect6: lea.l SelectText4,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected4
beq PrintSelect7
lea.l SelectText11,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect8
PrintSelect7: lea.l SelectText12,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect8: lea.l SelectText5,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected5
beq PrintSelect9
lea.l SelectText11,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect10
PrintSelect9: lea.l SelectText12,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect10: lea.l SelectText6,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected6
beq PrintSelect11
lea.l SelectText11,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect12
PrintSelect11: lea.l SelectText12,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect12: lea.l SelectText7,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected7
beq PrintSelect13
lea.l SelectText11,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect14
PrintSelect13: lea.l SelectText12,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect14: lea.l SelectText8,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected8
beq PrintSelect15
lea.l SelectText11,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect16
PrintSelect15: lea.l SelectText12,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect16: lea.l SelectText9,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected9
beq PrintSelect17
lea.l SelectText11,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect18
PrintSelect17: lea.l SelectText12,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect18: lea.l SelectText0,a0
bsr Printer
tst.b EntrySelected0
beq PrintSelect19
lea.l SelectText13,a0
bsr Printer
bra PrintSelect20
PrintSelect19: lea.l SelectText14,a0
bsr Printer
PrintSelect20: lea.l CRLFText1,a0
bsr Printer
DoPhoneBook: lea.l PhoneBookName,a0
move.l a0,d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
move.l d0,PhoneFile
bne DoPhoneBook1
lea.l FileErrorText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra DoPBook_ERR1
DoPhoneBook1: move.l PhoneFile,d1
lea.l LoadBuffer1,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #4,d3
lib Dos,Read
cmp.l #4,d0
beq DoPhoneBook2
lea.l FileErrorText2,a0
bsr Printer
bra DoPBook_ERR1
DoPhoneBook2: cmp.l #'#ST#',LoadBuffer1
beq DoPhoneBook3
lea.l FileErrorText3,a0
bsr Printer
bra DoPBook_ERR1
DoPhoneBook3: move.l PhoneFile,d1
bsr GetFileLength
move.l d0,PhoneLength
beq DoPBook_OUT
move.l PhoneLength,d0
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR!MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;Type of memory wanted
lib Exec,AllocMem
move.l d0,PhoneMem
bne DoPhoneBook4
lea.l MemErrorText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra DoPBook_ERR2
DoPhoneBook4: move.l PhoneFile,d1
move.l PhoneMem,d2
move.l PhoneLength,d3
lib Dos,Read
cmp.l PhoneLength,d0
beq DoPhoneBook5
lea.l FileErrorText2,a0
bsr Printer
bra DoPBook_ERR2
DoPhoneBook5: move.l PhoneMem,a0
bsr GetLLength
add.l d1,a0 ;skip identifier (#ST#)
lea.l DialPrefix,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry1,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry2,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry3,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry4,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry5,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry6,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry7,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry8,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry9,a1
bsr Parse
lea.l Entry10,a1
bsr Parse
DoPBook_OUT: bsr KillPFile
bsr KillPMem
move.l #-1,d0
DoPBook_ERR1: clr.l d0
DoPBook_ERR2: bsr KillPFile
bsr KillPMem
clr.l d0
KillPFile: move.l PhoneFile,d1
beq KillPFile1
lib Dos,Close
clr.l PhoneFile
KillPFile1: rts
KillPMem: tst.l PhoneMem
beq KillPMem1
move.l PhoneMem,a1
move.l PhoneLength,d0
lib Exec,FreeMem
clr.l PhoneMem
clr.l PhoneLength
KillPMem1: rts
ShutDown: tst.w SerOpen
beq ShutDown9000
bsr ClearSer
move.l IORRequest,a1
lib Exec,CloseDevice
ShutDown9000: move.l IORRequest,a0
lib Exec,DeleteIORequest
move.l SRRPort,a0
lib Exec,DeleteMsgPort
move.l IOWRequest,a0
lib Exec,DeleteIORequest
move.l SWRPort,a0
lib Exec,DeleteMsgPort
move.l _stdin,d1
beq ShutDown8000
move.l #FALSE,d2
lib Dos,SetMode
ShutDown8000: bsr KillPFile
bsr KillPMem
ShutDown1000: closlib Dos
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
clr.l d0
;CheckEvent waits for messages from serial.device
CheckEvent: clr.l d0
clr.l d1
move.l SRRPort,a1 ;serial.device
move.l a1,a2
move.b MP_SIGBIT(a1),d1
bset.l d1,d0
lib Exec,Wait
C2GetMsg2: move.l #-1,d0
;Get length of text in given address
;Input a1 = Address of null terminated text string
;Result d0 = Length
GetLength: clr.l d0
cmp.l #$00,a1 ;fixes enforcer hit
beq GetLength_OUT
GetLength2: add.l #1,d0
tst.b (a1)+
bne GetLength2
sub.l #1,d0 ;don't include NULL
GetLength_OUT: rts
;Get line length of text in given address, including LF
;Input a0 = Address of LF terminated text string
;Result d1 = Length
GetLLength: push a0
clr.l d1
cmp.l #$00,a0 ;fixes enforcer hit
beq GetLLength_OUT
GetLLength2: add.l #1,d1
cmp.b #10,(a0)+
bne GetLLength2
GetLLength_OUT: pull a0
;Gets the length of the file given
;Input d1 = File
;Result d0 = Length of file in bytes
GetFileLength: push d5-d6
move.l d1,d6
move.l #00,d2
move.l #01,d3
lib Dos,Seek
move.l d6,d1
lib Dos,Seek
move.l d0,d5
move.l d6,d1
move.l #0,d2
move.l #-1,d3
lib Dos,Seek
move.l d5,d0
pull d5-d6
;Parses string to given address. Removes spaces, tabs, CRs and comments.
;Quits on LF or NULL.
;Inputs a0 = pointer to string to parse (source)
; a1 = buffer to store parsed data (destination)
; d0 = maximum length of output
;Results a0 = pointer with start of next data to parse
; i.e. pointer to data after LF or NULL
Parse: tst.b (a0)
beq Parse_OUT1
cmp.b #' ',(a0) ;Space
beq ParseSkipC
cmp.b #9,(a0) ;TAB
beq ParseSkipC
cmp.b #';',(a0) ;Comment
beq ParseSkipL
cmp.b #CR,(a0) ;CR
beq ParseSkipC
cmp.b #LF,(a0) ;LF
beq Parse_OUT1
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ;copy char
sub.l #1,d0
beq Parse_OUT
bra Parse
ParseSkipC: add.l #1,a0
bra Parse
ParseSkipL: bsr GetLLength
add.l d1,a0
Parse_OUT: rts
Parse_OUT1: add.l #1,a0
;Finds a string in another string
;Inputs a0 = Pointer to string1 (from what to find)
; d0 = Word (what to search for)
;Result d0 = 0 if not found
FindWord: tst.b (a0)
beq FindWord1
cmp.w (a0),d0
beq FindWord2
add.l #1,a0
bra FindWord
FindWord1: clr.l d0 ;keep right before rts
FindWord2: move.l #-1,d0 ;keep right before rts
ConvASCII: clr.l d0
clr.l d1
cmp.b #' ',(a0)
bne ConvASCII2
add.l #1,a0
ConvASCII2: move.b (a0),d1
cmp.b #'0',d1
cmp.b #'9',d1
sub.b #'0',d1
mulu.w #10,d0
add.l d1,d0
add.l #1,a0
bra ConvASCII2
ConvASCII_OUT: rts
;Error etc. messages
Usage: lea.l UsageText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
NoDos: add.l #8,sp
pull d2-d7/a2-a6
move.l #RETURN_FAIL,d0
NotInteractive: add.l #8,sp
lea.l NotIntText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
NoMsgPort: lea.l NoMsgPortText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
NoIOReq: lea.l NoIOReqText1,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
NoSerial: lea.l NoSerialText1,a0
bsr Printer
move.l SerName,a0
bsr Printer
lea.l NoSerialText2,a0
bsr Printer
bra ShutDown
Printer: printa a0,_stdout
PutChProc: tst.b d0
beq PutChProc_OUT
move.b d0,(a3)+
PutChProc_OUT: rts
;lib stuff
;Other stuff, part I
OurTask: dc.l 0
SRRPort: dc.l 0
IORRequest: dc.l 0
SWRPort: dc.l 0
IOWRequest: dc.l 0
_stdout: dc.l 0
_stdin: dc.l 0
BufCount: dc.l 0
Sent: dc.l 0 ;Count sent chars
Received: dc.l 0 ;Count reveived chars
PhoneFile: dc.l 0
PhoneLength: dc.l 0
PhoneMem: dc.l 0
;Other stuff part II
EntrySelected1: dc.b 0
EntrySelected2: dc.b 0
EntrySelected3: dc.b 0
EntrySelected4: dc.b 0
EntrySelected5: dc.b 0
EntrySelected6: dc.b 0
EntrySelected7: dc.b 0
EntrySelected8: dc.b 0
EntrySelected9: dc.b 0
EntrySelected0: dc.b 0
Speed: dc.l 0
LocalEcho: dc.w 0 ;bit 0 (0=no echo, 1=echo)
CRTranslate: dc.b 0 ;0=none, 1=strip, 2=add LF
LFTranslate: dc.b 0 ;0=none, 1=strip, 2=add CR
CRTranslateIn: dc.b 0 ;0=none, 1=strip, 2=add LF
LFTranslateIn: dc.b 0 ;0=none, 1=strip, 2=add CR
DataBits: dc.b 8
StopBits: dc.b 1
;Serial device stuff
SerName: dc.l SerName2 ;A pointer!
SerUnit: dc.l 0
SerOpen: dc.w 0
;Strings, error
BreakText1: dc.b "***Break",10,0
NotIntText1: dc.b "ERROR: Please don't redirect input!",10,0
NoMsgPortText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't get message port!",10,0
NoIOReqText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't get SerialIOReq!",10,0
NoSerialText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't open ",0
SerName2: dc.b "serial.device",0
NoSerialText2: dc.b 10,0
FileErrorText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't open S:ShellTerm.phone",13,10,0
FileErrorText2: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't read file!",13,10,0
FileErrorText3: dc.b "ERROR: Incorrect filetype!",13,10,0
MemErrorText1: dc.b "ERROR: Out of memory!",13,10,0
;Strings, Main menu
MenuText1: dc.b 13,10,"ShellTerm menu. Please choose item:",13,10
dc.b 13,10,"S) Statistics"
dc.b 13,10,"C) Clear statistics"
dc.b 13,10,"D) Dialer"
dc.b 13,10,"O) Send CTRL-P (ASCII: DLE #16 $10 &020)"
dc.b 13,10,"F) Reset font"
dc.b 13,10,"X) Clear screen"
dc.b 13,10,"R) Reset modem (Using Hayes-commands)"
dc.b 13,10,"H) Hangup line (Using Hayes-commands)"
dc.b 13,10,"P) Preferences"
dc.b 13,10,"?) Program and author information"
dc.b 13,10,"Q) Quit ShellTerm"
dc.b 13,10,"E) Exit menus",13,10
dc.b 13,10,"Selection: ",0
InfoText1: dc.b "Information",13,10,0
CTRL_PText1: dc.b "CTRL-P sent",13,10,0
ExitText1: dc.b "Exit",13,10
TerminalText1: dc.b 13,10,"Terminal mode active:",13,10,0
StartText1: dc.b "Welcome to ShellTerm. Use CTRL-P to get menu.",13,10,0
ResetFText1: dc.b "Reset font",13,10,0
QuitText1: dc.b "Quit",13,10,0
StatsText1: dc.b "Statistics:",13,10,0
StatsText2: dc.b "Statistics",13,10,0
DialerText1: dc.b "Dialer",13,10,0
PrefsText1: dc.b "Preferences",13,10,0
ReceivedText1: dc.b " ",00,00,0 ;max of 4294967295
; " 4294967295 bytes received",CR,LF
SentText1: dc.b " ",00,00,0 ;max of 4294967295
; " 4294967295 bytes sent",CR,LF
fstrl1: dc.b " %10.ld bytes received",13,10,0
fstrl2: dc.b " %10.ld bytes sent",0
ClearText1: dc.b "Cleared",13,10,0
ClearText3: dc.b "Reset",13,10,0
CRLFText1: dc.b CR,LF,0
ResetText1: dc.b "Reset",13,10,0
ResetText2: dc.b "ATZ",13,10,0
HangUpText1: dc.b "Hangup",13,10,0
HangUpText2: dc.b "+++",0
HangUpText3: dc.b "ATH0",13,10,0
PlainText1: dc.b $9b,$30,$6d,0
ClearSText1: dc.b $1B,$5B,$30,$3B,$30,$48,$1B,$5B,$4A,0
PrefsText2: dc.b 13,10,"ShellTerm preferences:",13,10
PrefText3: dc.b 13,10,"Options: (S)elect speeds (L)ocal echo"
dc.b 13,10," (R)eset settings (V)iew settings"
dc.b 13,10," OUT: (1) CR translate (2) LF translate"
dc.b 13,10," IN: (3) CR translate (4) LF translate"
dc.b 13,10," (5) Set databits (6) Set stopbits",13,10
dc.b 13,10," (M)ain menu (E)xit menus",13,10
dc.b 13,10,"Selection: ",0
ViewText1: dc.b "View settings",13,10,0
SpeedText11: dc.b "Speed",13,10,0
EchoText1: dc.b "Toggle echo",13,10,0
CRTransText1: dc.b "CR translate (OUT)",13,10,0
LFTransText1: dc.b "LF translate (OUT)",13,10,0
CRTransText3: dc.b "CR translate (IN)",13,10,0
LFTransText3: dc.b "LF translate (IN)",13,10,0
EchoText2: dc.b 13,10,"Local echo is now enabled",13,10,0
EchoText3: dc.b 13,10,"Local echo is now disabled",13,10,0
DBitsText1: dc.b "Toggle databits",13,10,0
DBitsText2: dc.b 13,10,"Using 7 databits",13,10,0
DBitsText3: dc.b 13,10,"Using 8 databits",13,10,0
DBitsText4: dc.b 13,10,"ERROR: Couldn't set databits!",13,10,0
SBitsText1: dc.b "Toggle stopbits",13,10,0
SBitsText2: dc.b 13,10,"Using 1 stopbit",13,10,0
SBitsText3: dc.b 13,10,"Using 2 stopbits",13,10,0
SBitsText4: dc.b 13,10,"ERROR: Couldn't set stopbits!",13,10,0
CRTransText2: dc.b 13,10,"(N)one, (S)trip, (A)dd LF: ",0
LFTransText2: dc.b 13,10,"(N)one, (S)trip, (A)dd CR: ",0
AnyKeyText1: dc.b 13,10,"Please press any key: ",0
NoneText1: dc.b "None",13,10,0
StripText1: dc.b "Strip",13,10,0
AddText1: dc.b "Add",13,10,0
CurrentText1: dc.b 13,10,"Current settings: Speed (",0
CurrentText2: dc.b "), Local echo (",0
CurrentText3: dc.b " CR xlate out (",0
CurrentText4: dc.b "), LF xlate out (",0
CurrentText5: dc.b " CR xlate in (",0
CurrentText6: dc.b "), LR xlate in (",0
CurrentText7: dc.b ")",13,10,0
CurrentText8: dc.b " Databits (",0
CurrentText9: dc.b ") Stopbits (",0
NAText1: dc.b "N/A",0
DefText1: dc.b "Default",0
StarText1: dc.b "*",0
SpaceText1: dc.b " ",0
NText1: dc.b "N",0
SText1: dc.b "S",0
AText1: dc.b "A",0
OneText1: dc.b "1",0
TwoText1: dc.b "2",0
SevenText1: dc.b "7",0
EightText1: dc.b "8",0
;Speed prefs
SpeedText1: dc.b 13,10,"1) 110 bps",13,10
SpeedText2: dc.b "2) 300 bps",13,10
SpeedText3: dc.b "3) 1200 bps",13,10
SpeedText4: dc.b "4) 2400 bps",13,10
SpeedText5: dc.b "5) 4800 bps",13,10
SpeedText6: dc.b "6) 9600 bps",13,10
SpeedText7: dc.b "7) 19 200 bps",13,10
SpeedText8: dc.b "8) 38 400 bps",13,10
SpeedText9: dc.b "9) 57 600 bps",13,10
SpeedText10: dc.b "0) 115 200 bps",13,10
dc.b 13,10,"Options: (0-9) Select speed (-) Previous menu",13,10
dc.b 13,10," (M)ain menu (E)xit menus",13,10
dc.b 13,10,"Selection: ",0
SpeedText12: dc.b 13,10,"ERROR: Couldn't set that speed. Please reselect!",13,10,0
SerSetText1: dc.b 13,10,"ERROR: Couldn't set serial parameters!",13,10,0
fstrl3: dc.b "%ld",0
SpeedText90: dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
;Dialer stuff
DialerText2: dc.b 13,10,"ShellTerm auto-dialer (phonebook)",13,10
dc.b 13,10,"Entries:",13,10,13,10,0
PrefixText1: dc.b "Prefix: ",0
EntryText1: dc.b "1) ",0
EntryText2: dc.b "2) ",0
EntryText3: dc.b "3) ",0
EntryText4: dc.b "4) ",0
EntryText5: dc.b "5) ",0
EntryText6: dc.b "6) ",0
EntryText7: dc.b "7) ",0
EntryText8: dc.b "8) ",0
EntryText9: dc.b "9) ",0
EntryText10: dc.b "0) ",0
DialerText3: dc.b 13,10,"Options: (0-9) Un/select entry (R)elist numbers"
dc.b 13,10," (S)ingle dial (D)ial list"
dc.b 13,10," (C)lear list (A)ll",13,10
dc.b 13,10," (M)ain menu (E)xit menus",13,10
SelectionText1: dc.b 13,10,"Selection: ",0
DialText1: dc.b "Dial list",13,10,0
MainMenuText1: dc.b "Main menu",13,10,0
SingleText1: dc.b "Dial number",13,10,0
SingleText2: dc.b "Number to dial: ",0
RelistText1: dc.b "Relist",13,10,13,10,0
EntryTextXIV: dc.b "Entry",13,10,0
ClearText2: dc.b "Clear",13,10,0
AllText1: dc.b "All",13,10,0
HelpText1: dc.b "Help",13,10,0
DialingText1: dc.b 13,10,"Dialing: ",0
DialText2: dc.b 13,10,"[Space] to skip, [Backspace] to remove this entry, [Escape] to quit",13,10,0
ConnectText1: dc.b "Connection established",13,10,0
BusyText1: dc.b "Busy",13,10,0
SkippedText1: dc.b "Skipping entry",13,10,0
CancelledText1: dc.b "Quitting",13,10,0
RemoveText1: dc.b "Removing this entry",13,10,0
EmptyText1: dc.b 13,10,"List is empty",13,10,0
SelectedText1: dc.b 13,10,"Entries selected:",13,10,0
SelectText1: dc.b "1 (",0
SelectText2: dc.b "2 (",0
SelectText3: dc.b "3 (",0
SelectText4: dc.b "4 (",0
SelectText5: dc.b "5 (",0
SelectText6: dc.b "6 (",0
SelectText7: dc.b "7 (",0
SelectText8: dc.b "8 (",0
SelectText9: dc.b "9 (",0
SelectText0: dc.b "0 (",0
SelectText11: dc.b "*) ",0
SelectText12: dc.b " ) ",0
SelectText13: dc.b "*)",0
SelectText14: dc.b " )",0
PhoneBookName: dc.b "S:ShellTerm.phone",0
;Strings, names
STVersion: dc.b "$VER: "
UsageText1: dc.b "ShellTerm 1.05 (15.8.92) (C)opyright Tomi Blinnikka 1992",13,10,13,10
; dc.b 10," !!! BETA TESTER VERSION !!!",13,10,13,10,13,10
dc.b "USAGE: ShellTerm [Unit] [Device]",13,10,13,10
dc.b " Where: [Unit] is the unit number",13,10
dc.b " [Device] is the device name",13,10,13,10
dc.b " Default [Device] is serial.device",13,10,13,10
dc.b "Use current shell as a terminal program.",13,10
dc.b "See docs for more information.",13,10,0
AuthorText1: dc.b 13,10,"Name : ShellTerm",13,10
dc.b "Version : 1.05 (15.8.92)",13,10
dc.b "Author : Tomi Blinnikka",13,10,13,10
dc.b "(C)opyright Tomi Blinnikka 1992",13,10,0
ds.l 0
Buffer1: dcb.b 2,0 ;For writes to serial (read from CLI)
Buffer2: dcb.b 2,0 ;For reads
Buffer3: dcb.b BUFLEN,0 ;For reads from serial
Buffer4: dcb.b BUFLEN*2,0 ;For writes to CLI
LoadBuffer1: dcb.b 4,0 ;for header
DialPrefix: dc.b "ATDT" ;dial prefix
dcb.b 18-4,0
Entry1: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 1
Entry2: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 2
Entry3: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 3
Entry4: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 4
Entry5: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 5
Entry6: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 6
Entry7: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 7
Entry8: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 8
Entry9: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 9
Entry10: dcb.b 18,0 ;Entry 10
DialBuffer1: dcb.b 18,0 ;for single dial